Dogs and Fireworks

Those scary firework noises can be catastrophic to your dog.

Compatible Companions Dog Services image used showing two dogs and cat for the things to do in regards to Fireworks

According to most pet shelters, more dogs are lost on the 4th of July than any other holiday which results in an increase of dogs coming to the shelters and owner heartbreak due to a lost pet.

So how can you help your dog overcome the fear of fireworks?

1. Don’t cuddle with them and comfort them with a soothing voice like you would for a child. Because what that tells your dog is that you are afraid also. Your heart rate, breathing, and voice all change because you are worried about your baby.

2. If your dog knows any obedience cues work with your dog in a happy but normal manner.

3. If you have a retrieving friend, then play toys with your dog. This will wear you both out but it gives the dog something meaningful to do. If your dog stops playing when the noises happen, then you continue as if nothing is wrong. I’ve been known to roll on the grass, leap and frolic while my pup was frozen. Because each firework can sound different to our dogs, they will continue to freeze or show fear many times. But after they watch you having all this fun, they tend to join in. Trixie was 4 months old and this was our story. She has no fear of noises now and she is 6 years old.

4. Turn the tv or radio on loud, have a party with your family and pets, lots of toys and treats.

Please don’t just leave your dog outside. The noise is so horrifying to the dogs that they will escape your yard and start running away from the noise. They can be seriously hurt and lost forever. Make sure your dog has a current ID on the collar and/or an updated microchip. If those don’t help you, then send me a message.

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