Dogs and Fireworks

Compatible Companions Dog Services image used showing two dogs and cat for the things to do in regards to Fireworks

Those scary firework noises can be catastrophic to your dog. According to most pet shelters, more dogs are lost on the 4th of July than any other holiday which results in an increase of dogs coming to the shelters and owner heartbreak due to a lost pet. So how can you help your dog overcome…

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Desensitizing A Dog To Being Left Alone

Desensitizing A Dog To Being Left Alone article featured image shows a sad pug dog being left alone.

When it comes to desensitizing a dog to being left alone one must understand what is going on with the dog. Separation anxiety is a specific syndrome that includes a constellation of behaviors that occur only when the dog is left alone.  These behaviors include destruction, vocalization, and elimination. Often it is the exits and…

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“Changing Dog Behavior Using Science Instead of Myth”

Featured image for the Leader of the Pack blog focusing on Changing Dog Behavior Using Science Instead of Myth article

So what is the main focus of the article?  “Moving Beyond the “Leader of the Pack” explores the perceptions of dogs and their relationship with training and dominance. Dr. Reisner breaks down dogs’ behavior by addressing dominance beliefs, intimidation-based training, dog-centric training, and their consequences. If you have more questions regarding the principles set in…

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Kids & Canines

Newborn baby boy and friendly Shiba inu dog in home bedroom.

A baby! Introducing the child to your dog. “Spot meet Jennifer” As the Twig is Bent, So Grows the Tree! The earlier the better as far as helping your family dog and your child form a good relationship.  Young Jennifer’s future outlook on dogs, in general, will be influenced by the interactions which take place…

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Dogs and Car Anxiety

Dog in a car used to talk about dog anxiety from cars.

Does your dog have a negative association with the car?  First, throwing up in the car, tensing up, or just nervous about going on a ride. Put the dog on medication, and now the dog will get a weird woozy feeling. I suggest you give him a new perspective on the car.  Is your dog…

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